Sunday, October 29, 2006


God willing, today, my wife and I will vote. That is right. It is more than a week before November 7, Election Day. However, opening up public libraries and other government outlets for early voting allows us to avoid the crowds and the crunch on that important day.

It will be nice. I already told my wife we have a date. We are going to the West Kendall Library at 10201 Hammocks Boulevard in Miami to do our duty. Yesterday I called. They said the library would be open today between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. for us early birds. So we will vote, and then we will go to Longhorn’s Steakhouse for lunch. Last time I went there, I signed up to receive special offers through my e-mail address. Since my birthday was earlier this month, they sent me two coupons, one for a free appetizer and one for a free dessert. I appreciate it. Listen, we eat there often enough. As regular customers, we have earned those coupons.
Anyway, I have already done all my research for the election. The Miami-Dade County Elections Department mails all residents an official sample ballot. This is very helpful, because you become familiar with all the different races and the amendments or questions that will appear on the ballot. To make an educated decision, one has to read the newspaper, hear the radio, watch television, and listen to people’s opinions. Sometimes it is not easy to learn who is telling the truth. All the time, I find myself trying to separate fact from fiction.

Of all the media, I believe the local newspaper is one of the best sources of information, mainly because they have to publish each candidate’s platform, the result of debates, and everything else connected with the campaigns. When it comes to a newspaper’s editorials or their voting recommendations, I read what they have to say but make up my own mind. Why should I trust their advice? Most of the time, I make up my own mind based on all the information I gather. If I do not know the background of people running for office, as is the case with some judges, then I usually go along with the paper’s recommendation, unless I find better information from another source. When I vote following the paper’s suggestions, I do it because the media knows these people better than I do. When that is the case, I have no option but to trust their judgment.

Watch out for those amendments. I am voting NO on Amendment 3 in this election. Special interests must have come up with it. Instead of requiring just a majority of votes, it asks 60 percent of the voters must approve any amendment or revision to the State Constitution. In other words, they want to make it harder for the people to effect change when we are not satisfied.

Anyway, I hope we have a large turnout. People get frustrated with politicians to the extent some have stopped voting altogether. I know how you feel but do not give up. Inform yourself and make your choices. Punish those who did not represent you well, and reward those who did. Give newcomers a chance, if their background shows potential. That is it, not that I have divulged any secret voting formulas here. May we all choose wisely, and may the best candidates win! Good luck to all of us!

Recommended Reading: Ercian Testament - Part I, chapter 6 “The Art of Ethical Communication.”


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