Sunday, August 13, 2006


If religion had a body, I get the sense that body has lain encased in a frozen state for ages. What do I mean by that? What I mean is that since so-called “prophets” or sages wrote the “holy” books that propelled the birth of the major religions—this is true especially for the western religions—no revelatory manuscripts have shaken the foundations of what humans choose to believe. Granted, a great number of authors have addressed myriad issues but, again, nothing earthshaking. Everybody has interpreted everything, but nobody has come up with something momentous; and supposing some poor soul would write something that was truly stunning, it would be grounds for a crucifixion. Well, maybe not. Nowadays, the perpetrator(s) would use a gun, a knife, a bomb, a club, a rope, or some other, shut-your-mouth-you-are-messing-my-carefully-erected-and-closely-guarded-sandcastle, instrument. Do not trample on my idea of what God is like. Do not disturb my peaceful and content existence, the one I owe to my religious beliefs.

“The truth shall set us free!” I often hear people say that out in the world, but what I really see is a multitude running away from the truth or anything that resembles an attempt to get to it. Forget theories and hypotheses, they do not want to hear anything new that may put in question what the preacher says. There are prophets and there are preachers, but you have to be on the approved list to have the average believer lend you an ear. Complete stagnation is the result. What is worse, the wars, the conflicts, the lack of flexibility in learning to live with others that have different ideas. It is wrong, and it has to end.

The end has to come for generational discrimination. Just because you, and I, and the next person were born in this period, does not mean we do not have the right or the power to significantly contribute to the advancement of religion. It does not mean we cannot produce a better explanation of the nature of God or the Source that gave birth to this universe. It does not mean we cannot come up with as good or better and more equitable norms of behavior. If anything, we are better informed and better educated that the ancients, and whatever inspirational powers they had, we have. They had minds, and we have minds. We are certainly not orphans or second-class citizens. We are all children of the same natural system, with the same rights and privileges as the ones who lived way before us and the ones that will live way after us—if we do not destroy ourselves first.

Who can prove inspiration anyway? How do we distinguish true inspiration from falsehood? Faith will not get you there. You can have faith in anything and in everything not remotely connected with reality. You can believe whatever pleases your fancy, but that does not mean God inspired you or the person who wrote what you choose to believe. The only way we can detect true inspiration—and it does not matter whether it comes from God or solely from the mind of the human creator—is with our rational and logical minds, with our understanding. If it makes sense and testing it in the world produces good results, then we know. Even when we cannot test alternate theories in the world, usually the best ones will have the support of superior argumentation. Not all opinions have the same value. You are morally entitled to your opinion, only when you back it up with sound reasoning.

The end has to come also for gender discrimination and for sexual orientation discrimination. Women and homosexuals have souls too. Do you want to ostracize them and keep them from saying their peace? You go ahead and do it. I am not doing it. I am not God. If anybody asks us why, you answer for your actions and I will answer for mine. On my part, this does not mean I am issuing a carte blanche type seal of approval to what women and gays say, write or do. They must abide by the same rules of reasoning everybody else should follow.

“Okay, everything that you are saying rings reasonable, but what if God came down and laid down the Law?” “What if the Laws of God are in disagreement with what you propose?” Well, to the person who asks me those questions I would say that I am well prepared to defend my position. First, the Infinite Source and Ultimate God in my book I have given the name of “Erc,” from whence comes the name “Ercian” which you find in this site. Erc is God-Unconscious. Erc is not a person or a being that could come down to Earth and lay down the law. So if someone comes down saying he or she is God, I know it is definitely not Erc, not the Infinite Source and Ultimate God. How do I know that? I know because of the four logical proofs I present on Chapters 17 and 18 of the book Ercian Testament - Part Two

However, that rational entity coming down could be whom I have named “Ellael,” my Personal God and Holy Self. For all of you who are Jewish, Christian, or Muslim, Ellael is God-Conscious, the equivalent of Jehovah, Jesus, or Allah. In that case, if the being coming down claims to be God-Conscious, then we would sit down and have a talk. God-Conscious has a mind, and I have a mind. The rules of argumentation STILL apply. God-Conscious was born from God-Unconscious and I, directly or indirectly, was too born from God-Unconscious. Therefore, claims of authority do not institute the Laws of God. Only the powers of reason and understanding can morally establish the Laws of God, the Laws of Our Blessed Kingdom.


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