The purpose of this essay is to expose the reasons why the topics of sex, politics or religion should be discussed in society. The common argument is that people end up in emotional arguments that could even escalate into fights, and in the end everyone keeps their own opinion anyway. No person changes his or her mind. Although that is true, it only applies to people who have lost control of their emotions and, consequently, their power to reason. It only applies to people who are blind followers, dogmatic, and afraid of the unknown. What part of the unknown do they fear the most? Above everything else they fear the truth, because if someone could prove to them through rational arguments that their views are partially or totally mistaken, they would have to spend time and effort changing their emotional psyche and reconstructing their worldview according to reality, not fantasy.
So, a lot of work needs to be done to convince those who are “fanatics,” to act more like human beings and keep an open mind. People “afraid” of the unknown, need to lose their fear. Given serious rational arguments, they need to think deeply about what could be true. Otherwise, reality may smack them right in the face in some unforeseen future. What is the worst that can happen? Is it a sin for a human being to change his or her mind following common sense and logic? Of course it is not a sin. On the contrary, if there is one thing you can be absolutely sure about is that the human brain you possess is a direct inheritance from our source of existence, God if I may use that word. The only way that mind is corrupted is when we believe something that is not true; something we read in a book, or something somebody said, or something we analyzed incorrectly. As long as a person is serious and sincere in the pursuit of the truth, it is a God-blessed activity, and so I say.
Now to briefly explain why society needs to talk openly (in the right venue and in the proper manner, of course) about sex is that perhaps we can find ways to educate and bring up the young so that when they become adults they act like normal sexual beings. Maybe we can reduce the number of sex offenders. Repressed sexual instincts are counterproductive. Although we are rational, we are animal still. If one does not feed the lion or beast inside us, that beast will turn against us and perhaps make us do something we should not be doing. That is why every now and then we find some pastor caught with a prostitute or, worst, some priest as a child abuser. The church is partly to blame for that, for requiring a vow of chastity from priests. Priests should be free to have sex with adult women in situations where there is consent and the same with men, if they happen to be gay. Of course, promiscuity should be out of the question, but a human being needs to find release of their normal sexual needs. On the other side of the spectrum, we have too many pregnant teens. Maybe we can educate the young to become responsible parents by not making the mistake of having unprotected sex in their early years.
I am extending myself too much, so I will try to cut it short. Regarding politics, if we do not discuss politics, to whom are we going to leave the burden of being good citizens? Before we vote, we need to know as much as possible about the candidates in order to vote for the right person. After we vote, we need to know when it is necessary to initiate a petition or complain to our representatives when they are not doing a good job. We have to reform our political parties so they act for our wellbeing and not for special interests. I have never truly understood why we need a Democratic Party who allegedly acts on behalf of the poor and a Republican Party who allegedly acts on behalf of the rich. Why not a political party that acts justly and impartially on behalf of all the citizens in our country.
Finally, we come to religion. Above all things, this is the most important theme of discussion. First, there are people who say they do not discuss religion because you cannot prove a thing one way or the other, that one cannot prove or disprove the existence of God, much less the existence of a particular type of God, the one of the Torah, of the Koran, or of the Christian Bible. This way of thinking is erroneous. It is my assertion that in my book Ercian Testament I prove the nature of our Infinite Source and Eternal God. I also give evidence for the existence of a direct personal God. This evidence comes in the form of my experiences with the number 444 and what I have come to call the Chart of Six. If I am mistaken, why do the entries “Jesus” and “Joshua” and “Y’shua” all come out to number 444 in the Chart? Why do the entry “Christian” (606) and the entry “Ercian” (300), together add up to 906, the same as the entry “Jesus Christ.”? That he is with me and supports my proligious work, there is no doubt in mind.
Who could be against Proligion, the idea of uniting the people of good will on Earth so that we as well as future generations can enjoy a more peaceful and prosperous world? Only the fanatics, only those who want to keep us divided with our petty religious differences. Does anybody really think a real God would want us fighting one another over things of faith that came to us from alleged prophets? Is knowledge not superior to faith? Of course it is. Then, let us not be tardy in our pursuit of knowledge. The fate of our souls may depend on how we think and act while here on earth. It is the responsibility of each individual.
Joseph Marchante (José Luis Marchante Rey, alumno Marista) March 14, 2011
Labels: and religion, Let's talk sex, politics
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