Tuesday, August 15, 2006


God is Source, where we come from: that is the correct definition of the word "God." We are all familiar with the depiction of God as an old man with a white beard. They put the cart before the horse, those who defined God as a Supreme Being, a person. The result is that they left atheists without a God. Let me explain myself.

If we define God as Source, then atheists have a God: the universe. The natural system is their God, a cause they cannot deny. Because atheists do not believe nature is conscious, they do not pray to it or follow any rituals. Nevertheless, if we define God as Source, then nature is their God, whether or not they use that name to refer to it.

You have heard the question, “If God made us, then who made God?” If we define God as Source, atheists would say that God (nature) made us, period. Nobody made God. A believer would say that God (a Supreme Being) made nature, but they have no answer as to who made God. God is eternal, they say, but they cannot explain it.

I am also a believer, but a bird of a different feather: an Ercian. What do I believe in? My concept of God is deep. Like atheists, I believe that nature is our Source. However, that natural system is unlike the one we see in our universe. In the space of various chapters in my book Ercian Testament-Part Two, I painstakingly explain my theory on the nature of Erc.

“Erc” is the name I gave the Infinite Source and Ultimate God. Unlike atheists—and like some believers—I think a personal God also exists. “Ellael” is the name I use to refer to my Personal God and Holy Self. Ellael is the equivalent of Jehovah or Allah. In other words, I believe in Erc, God-Unconscious as our ultimate or indirect Source, and I believe in Ellael, God-Conscious as our immediate or direct Source.

Ellael evolved from Erc. Erc made Ellael, and Ellael made us. That is my answer to the question “If God made us, then who made God?” Therefore, the difference between an atheist and me is that the atheist does NOT think the natural system (Erc) has the evolutionary power to create a personal God (Ellael) who then made or evolved us. In support of my belief, Erc’s resources consist of infinite space, eternal time, and all the possible different kinds of energy you can think of. In my opinion, that is enough to make the evolution of a personal God or any other phenomenon possible.

There should be no fighting between atheists and believers. It is unnecessary. When atheists consider nature as their God or Source, we should respect that belief; and when the faithful go further to consider a personal God our immediate or direct Source, atheists should respect that belief too. Let us cut out all the arrogant positioning, as if either side were omniscient.


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