Tuesday, August 22, 2006


On August 11, the U.N. Security Council signed Resolution 1701. This one is supposed to do what Resolution 1559 failed to do some time ago, in few words to ensure Hezbollah ceases their armed attacks and terrorist activities against Israel. Backed and supplied by Syria and Iran, Hezbollah militants used Lebanon as their base of operations. They started this last war by kidnapping two Israeli soldiers. Then, when Israel rightfully responded in a search and rescue mission, Hezbollah combatants fired rockets that killed and injured many Israeli civilians, terrorizing all within range of the missiles.

Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Saniora thinks Israel committed “crimes against humanity,” after assessing the destruction in one of Lebanon’s suburbs. I do not know enough about the situation to judge whether Israel went “over the line” in retaliating against Hezbollah. In all wars, those who are moral and conscientious leaders must avoid the killing of innocent victims inasmuch as they are not the enemy. However, I know that Israel did not strike first. Israel was not the aggressor, Hezbollah was. Thus, Israel had the right to defend itself, to try to rescue the kidnapped soldiers, and to protect Israeli civilians against the rocket attacks.

If anybody is responsible for the bloodshed, death and devastation, it is Hezbollah. They were the provoker, the assailant, the Party who attacked first and broke the peace. Also responsible are Syria and Iran, with their agenda to wipe Israel off the map. Mahmud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian President comes right out and says it. He wants to destroy Israel. The U.S. is a close second. In this modern era, how can all these uncivilized-fanatical-evil human impostors get away with endorsing such agendas? They get away with it because the United Nations is weak. They lack the moral leadership, the will, and the courage to take those actions necessary to bring permanent peace to the world. In this case, they should have fought and eliminated Hezbollah long ago, so that Israel could enjoy the normal way of life to which they are entitled, and so that the people of Lebanon would not have to pay the price for Hezbollah’s sins. Way before this whole mess started, the U.N. should have put a “hex” on Hezbollah and its backers.

I have had it with the U.N. They do not resolve many situations, for two reasons. First, they do not clearly identify the guilty party or parties in a conflict. Second, they do not take decisive action to ensure they solve the problem permanently. Instead of sending so many “peace-keeping” forces to so many places and solving nothing, let them start gathering a “war-making” Army to get rid of all the masquerading-as-human-beings pests that inhabit our planet.

Recommended reading: "Ercian Testament - Part Three," chapter 25, Heaven for Humans, Hell for the Namuh.


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