Sunday, August 27, 2006


To avoid controversy, what is it some people say? “Do not talk about sex, religion, or politics!” that is it. Not a good idea, I assert, being that all three subjects are important in our lives. Well, today I am talking a little bit about sex or our sexual instincts.

Anticipating objections to my opinion, I respond that truth is on my side, I believe. Those of you with puritanical personalities can protest all you like, but when you meditate on this subject honestly, you will realize all you are doing is repressing your natural desires. If you have any complaints about the natural instincts God gave you, talk to God. I am not complaining. I try to manage the powers and instincts God gave me.

The truth is this: we are animals. Yes, we are rational, but animals nevertheless. Once again, we are part beast and part human. In view of this, I have reached the conclusion that you have to feed the beast within or it will devour you completely. In regards to sex, if you do not satisfy those desires, there may come a time when the beast takes over and it will drive you to do something discreditable, perhaps even criminal.

Try moderation in all things. If you try to be too pure, the beast rebels against you. Repressing or ignoring sexual needs does not work. That is the reason sometimes we find preachers not at church but coming out of some whorehouse. Not that I am knocking these people: they are sinners like you and I. Besides, I do not know their situation at home with the wives. I have no idea what prompted them to act contrary to what they urge others to do.

We should try to channel our sexual wants and needs in normal ways. What I mean by normal is not doing something that violates the rights of other persons, and not doing something that is harmful to yourself, your mate, or your society. With that in mind, I believe that what you do in the privacy of your own home is your own business. Publicly, you cannot follow your urges. That should be clear. At home, however, you can be nutty if you like.

Regarding pornography (adult pornography only, not that which includes minors), to use it or not should be up to the adult individual. If you like it, fine. If it is not for you, fine too. Do not use it. I do not believe it is harmful if watched in moderation (do not let your teenage son get a hold of any, or you may have a problem getting him out of the bathroom).

Ninety nine percent of pornographic movies are devoid of a plot. They are boring. After the first few scenes, one is ready to go, and ready to shut the TV. Thus, I believe the average individual who watches pornography uses it sparingly, perhaps only on special occasions (when the beast is knocking at the door howling, “Hey, somebody feed me!”); or conversely, when sexual relations in a marriage are practically absent due to stress or a lack of desire.

Pornography is dangerous if you let the beast takeover. If it becomes a vice—something you need to do every day or very often—then you are in trouble. It will adversely affect your normal existence. Instead of helping your marriage or relationship when you both need a little fantasy-time to get in the mood for sex and make coitus more enjoyable, it will destroy it. I liken the use of porn to get in the mood for sex, to opening up a faucet to hear the water rush when you need to give a urine sample to your doctor, but nothing comes out as hard as you try. Opening up that faucet helps sometimes.

What is more, regarding the dangers of pornography, my advice to married couples is to keep “fantasy-time” within their bedroom. To become “swingers,” I believe is a big mistake, one that cannot be fixed. Back in the wild days of the sixties and seventies, it became the trend in certain circles. Inside your bedroom, everything (within reason) is okay. If a couple needs to go outside their own bedroom to enjoy sex, then they should get a divorce and become singles again. In spite of temptation, which can be great, try to preserve the sanctity of the institution of marriage. It is a beautiful thing, when two people remain partners until the end because they love and respect each other.

Recommended reading: Ercian Testament - Part Three, chapter 24 "Ercian Values and Ideals"


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